
Happy New Year! Here’s to many great shots, high-fives and memorable moments in 2020
Happy New Year! We hope you enjoy many memorable moments on the course with your kids in 2020. Here’s a preview of the golf year, from TGA programs to the professional tours: NEW TGA LOCATIONS

If you love golf and love kids, join our TGA coaching team
We are always looking for new coaches to join our vibrant team. Our coaches range in age from 14 to 79. Most of our lead instructors are college students or people who are retired, semi-retired

Get your calendars ready! Here are dates and details for TGA 2020 summer camps
For those of you who already have completed your holiday shopping, planned your spring-break trip and scheduled the venue for your child’s next birthday party, we have an item for your to-do list: Registration is

Tons of October celebrations for TGA coaches, former students and current students
In addition to the highlights in photo collage, October was filled with exceptional performances by individuals and teams with TGA backgrounds. Everyone should be very proud! TGA was represented by 29 assistant coaches or former

Winter-break options: You choose among three sites, four mornings, four afternoons
We all know families are busy during winter break, so our previous structure of three-day winter-break camps didn’t always fit family and travel schedules. So this year, everything is a la carte. We will have