We are very proud of the summer and fall programs that allowed more than 1,500 children to safely experience a sense of normalcy during these difficult times.
Now that the weather has turned, our task is trickier. Here is the plan going forward:
November-December: We are on pause for two months. We don’t think it’s safe to run classes indoors, and most schools are not yet allowing indoor after-school activities.
January-February-March: Based on the status of Michigan’s coronavirus cases and guidance from the state, CDC, schools and community centers, we will evaluate whether it’s safe to resume indoor classes. We hope everything can return to normal, with proper safety precautions. If not, we will be offering some virtual classes to keep kids engaged until the weather warms up.
April-May: We will have a full schedule of activities, likely a mix of indoor and outdoor. We’ll have four spring leagues, two parent-child events and many after-school, evening and weekend enrichment classes. Registration already is open for leagues and parent-child events.
June-July-August: Registration for summer camps will open on Dec. 1, with an expanded schedule of sessions throughout the metro area. We’ll also have our usual schedule of summer individual tournaments.