Happy New Year to all TGA golfers and families. We are looking forward to good health and lots of golf in 2021!
Because we can’t yet hold in-person indoor classes, we are offering zoom-based virtual classes beginning in late January and early February.
These are four-week classes, priced at just $59 per session, with one class designed for elementary students and an advanced class for competitive golfers in middle school and high school. Classes will meet on zoom for 45 minutes per week. Here are the details:
Rules and Etiquette 101 — Using TGA flash cards, course map and other fun activities, children in Grades K-5 will learn about golf rules, etiquette and terminology. We have 11 different sessions of this class, so you can choose the most convenient day and time. Registration for four classes is directly through TGA; registration for seven other classes is through TGA partners — Troy Continuing Education, Rochester Community Education, Huron Valley Recreation and Community Education, and Northville Parks and Recreation.
Advanced rules seminar — This class is designed for competitive middle school and high school students who are looking forward to playing high school golf. Students will learn about many basic and tricky situations they will encounter in tournament play. We have Tuesday and Thursday sessions of this seminar. Registration is directly through TGA.